Sunday, May 24, 2020
Alice s Adventures, The Bfg, And The Invention Of Hugo...
After reading these novels, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, The BFG, and The Invention of Hugo Cabret, I was able to see the varieties of children’s childhoods. Imagination plays a major and main role in children’s literature. Without that imagination, the main characters in the novels mentioned before wouldn’t challenge their morals. In this essay I will argue that these three novels, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, The BFG, and The Invention of Hugo Cabret help the reader understand that growing up with different backgrounds affects how the character handles their obstacles, determining right from wrong, and judgement of impractical and practical situations. In the novels, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and the BFG, each character is lured into a world that could be parallel to reality; this is a fantasy world that puts many challenges to their decisions, however it is the way to prepare them to see life clearly. The main characters, Alice and Sophie are unsatisfied and tired with their living conditions, therefore they let themselves get lost in their fantasy worlds. According to Kohlberg’s stages of Moral Development, level 1 is the Pre-conventional morality: â€Å"At the pre-conventional level (nine-year-olds and younger, some over nine), don’t have a personal code of morality. Instead, our moral code is shaped by the standards of adults and the consequences of following or breaking their rules. Authority is outside the individual and reasoning is based on the
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Continuing Education Is Important For Health Professionals
Continuing education is important for health professionals and is required by AHPRAH (AHPRAH, 2016) Continued Professional development is particularly important for Nurses. It is important they keep up to date so that they can be informed of best practise and give their patients the greatest likelihood of good health outcomes. (Pool, Poell, Berings, ten Cate, 2016) Even if these factors were not important The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia has mandated that all nurses and midwives must meet the continuing professional development (CPD) standards.(A. N. Council, 2014) The Nursing and Midwifery Board require that all nurses have at least 20 hours of CPD per year. During placement last year at an aged care facility, we were invited to participate in and education session with some of the nurses who worked at the facility. This particular session was run by a nurse (Jade) who was doing a course on dementia as part of her professional development. The focus of this session was how to better help those with dementia to improve their situation while in care. The session went for and 1.5 hours approximately she shared some of the knowledge she had gained through her studies. The session was very well planned and she said the session could be used as part of people’s CPD . This session also fitted into the International Nursing Council’s standards which state a Nurse should train other Nurses and healthcare workers as well as other forms of health teaching such asShow MoreRelatedPersonal Philosophy Vs. Nursing Essay1218 Words  | 5 Pages Personal philosophy differs for everyone, but generally guides a person in their professio nal practice in addition to their private lives. In my personal philosophy, I largely base my nursing pathways and private life on ethical values. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Family Reunion Personal Narrative - 941 Words
Running Head: A Family Reunion A Family Reunion Introduction The topic selected for narrative essay is family reunion. The paper will highlight the prewriting strategies in the first paragraph and the narrative essay will be given in the second paragraph. In order to compose the essay, free writing style strategy will be adopted. This strategy is used to think about the main events in relation to the certain event of family gathering. Main and random points in relation to the event of family gathering and reunion will be gathered and written down in a rough draft manner. Brain storming will be done in order to make sure that all smaller events of the reunion are taken into account and are mentioned in the essay. Some of the main ideas and facts that are most importantly needed in the narrative essay include the event of family reunion, why the event was organized, what was the importance of the presence of the whole family, how family reunion was important and what roles did the reunion play in the event and most importantly, the joy of having complete family at one place and one time. Other than writing down the main facts of the events using brainstorming, many additional facts were collected by asking around from the family members , siblings and parents. Many facts that were left out were completed and added into the essay by asking for additional details. The process of the development of thesis statement was important in case of writing the narrative essay as itShow MoreRelatedEssay on Tim Winton and Zohra Saed values 1167 Words  | 5 Pagesoriginate and stem from their personal, historical and cultural context. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
People Work Employment for AIC Kijabe Hospital - MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about thePeople Work Employment for AIC Kijabe Hospital. Answer: The family medicine is another department most crucial in assisting the members who have subscribed to the medical services. There are surgical services which are laid down in the surgical areas of residence and the thing following is fellowships. Sustainability initiatives entail the provision of the caring to the HIV/AIDS patients. The provision of the services is empowered by the excess capacity. There are partnerships which are expanded to incorporate the establishment of other the dental methods and the anesthesia services as well. The Identification of Sustainability Initiatives Kijabe hospital added inpatient wards to sustain the excess capacity in the regions; the facilities would assist in ensuring that the hospital is offering the services in line with the standards and the acts of medics. The operating theatre in to be increased in capacity and this will allow more capacity to patients in the aspect of meeting demands. In the late 1980, is the hospital situated in Kenya laid down the initiative of establishing a nursing school which will educate the individuals on matters pertaining to the treatment and handling of patients. The offering of medical internships to the new leavers and this is in line with the government to incorporate the initiative. Analysis and Evaluation of the Authenticity of Sustainability Initiatives The graduates from the medical training institutions are inducted in the internships programs. The initiative is guided and outline by the bodies of the doctors in the relation to the medical initiative that are developed in the year 2009. The underlying policy is that the student is enabling to graduate and become a reputable medical officer by undertaking a one year classic internship type of the program in the hospital. There is hospital that the individual attends is supposed to be aforementioned and thus it is supposed to be a government owned hospital. These district hospitals are located in each and every county in Kenya. The continuance of education is fostered by the clinicians who occupy the position of the consultant surgeons. (Abby, 2015) said about the Rati's Challenge Report 2007. There is an opportunity to proceed in the field of medicine. There are various specialties in the residency positions where the availability of positions. The training initiative in Kenya has proved to be applicable and utilize all the initiatives such as the surgical training in the Kenya emphasized in the academic study. There are reputable surgeons who are the result of the program and initiative and they have also been able to complete the surgical residency and also at the end entered the staff workforce, Contribution of Initiatives to Enhancing Positive Social Human Outcomes for Human Resources The application of the policy to implement the new initiative has enhanced the improvement of the maternal morbidity. The individuals who are allocated these regions are deemed to have worked in the various satellite clinics. There are use of resources has enhanced the increase in the number of referrals. (Newton, 2016) said Impact of parallel anesthesia and surgical provider training in sub-Saharan Africa. The resulting observable feature is that the obstetrics gynecology department has as well been able to benefit from the complex and the risk of the referrals to be summarized as one of the few hospitals. The resources that financing and the decisions come from the savings from the excess finance. The amount of money is USD 620,000 in the operation and it is by a unique way of compressing and tightening the bills and the expenditures and also the procurement. The operational expense has been witnessed to grow from the percentage of 18% from the $7.4 million to an amount of 8.7million . The uncounted revenue has been able to rise from an amount of USD 7.5 million to the USD 8.8 million. The cost accounting methodology has changed by employment of new accountant who is well equipped and skilled in this field. The hospital human resource management has hired a more administration staff to conduct the operations in an effective and efficient manner. The source of these funds at the kijabe district hospital is from the hiking of fees and charges to patients that have been increased. (Oparanya, 2009) said population housing census results. in: ministry of state for planning. The hospital afloat is able to be maintained by the utilization of the resources; however there is difficulty in that the simpler given case is not able to attain the demands and standards in terms of payment of the kijabe hospital. The revenue breakdown is as follows: in the year 2011 is 82% from the department of patient care and is injected into the hospital financial records. The amount of $8.8 million is emancipating from the department of the surgery. The missionary staff is allowed the tackling of the issues related to the hospital normal procedure. There are considerations from the human resource manager to first recruit the missionary medics as they will reduce the otherwise considered congestion (Luke, 2012) said Kenya Demographic and Health Survey. The NHIF cover has been able to cater for the treatment of most poor patients by paying a considerable amount of usd29 per each and every day. These funds are channeled to those patients who are hospitalized in the most intensive care units and the wards. The tremendous growth in the OT in the department of human resource has enhanced the improvement of surgical faculty. The funds that the government has set side to the ministry of health are transferred to the cabinet secretary and later other measures are instituted. The minister has enhanced the proper utilization of these funds by coming up with a committee to undertake the same finance management. There is cost of hiring the staff which is estimated to be 3.5 million. The workforce has increased due to the allocation of resources in Kijabe hospital. The personnel comprise of total number of 643 workers and the nurses are estimated to be 194. The number of doctors has been also been considered in the initiative to use the hospital resources appropriately. There are 32 trained physicians who are fellows of the United Nations welfare for the patients and citizens in Kenya. These people who have been inducted in the hospital are deemed to possess the expertise which has a wide range of the given medical and the referred sub-specialties. (Samuel, 2014) said the World Bank has enhanced keeping of data by country: Kenya. How Outcomes Might Differ for the Same Initiatives in a Different Business Context The above outcomes differ for the initiatives because of the capacity, for example Kijabe district hospital can host a certain number of patients which is hire unlike the smaller hospitals in the region. The resource allocation strategy might differ and this is witnessed in the scope of the undertaking of the financing decisions. The aspect of financing limitations in Kijabe hospital have been identified following the attention from one of the workers named Mary who is deemed to be aware of the initial funding process. The unpaid debt is the detrimental ad the limiting factor for not properly providing incentives and pay increase to the doctors and other medics. The debt is expected to increase whereas the revenue does not increase in the comparison the debt. The individual is well endowed with the decision to development of a hybrid method of paying. The outpatients would be grouped in their special category and be able to pay a certain premium for the convenience affordability because of the reduction in the time of waiting in the service queue. The premiums are able to be grouped and recycled or rather channeled back to the hospital. Use for the faith based organizations where they are allowed to stay in the business and thus become the necessary centers for the rich as stipulated by one of the medical dir ector. (Hansen, 2012).Vanderbilt International Surgery Elective Rotation The growth is relevant where the investment in the growth towards the professional development. This entails the opportunity for career development and training to produce best workforce ever. (Hilary, 2013) said government k. Kenya Vision 2030 is in line with the medical criteria The growing and continuous improvement is established and the departments that kept on growing and spreading medical ideas. The resources are incorporated for the purpose of continuance in education. The conferences and seminars are platforms for the growth and expertise. The participant of the scholarships program as mentioned are Muchendu who have plans to increase the hospital in the vision achieving. The management of the Kijabe hospital was subject to change following the training of one of its own. (Peter, 2015) said Kenyan National Bureau of Statistics. Kenya 2009 population and housing census highlights in Nairobi. Conclusion The pursing of masters program by one of the members is a good initiative to the mentorship program and widening of the learning. The high level of commitment by the client is another reason for success that we see today in the hospital. The money challenge had been overcome by making it the driving factor. The reduction of staff turnover is another remedy that Kijabe hospital is being addressing with the records showing that in the year 2008 it was around 14% and it decline to the 8% in 2012.The surgeons in the hospital department of the Anesthesiologists focused on the surgical activity of the continuing with the growth and the accommodation of the demand still not met. This contributed to the quality care of individuals and thus expansion resulted from this initiative. The expansion of the OT is a plan that is brought up by 10 management officials in the capacity of directors References Hilary, P. (2013). Government K. Kenya Vision 2030: Nairobi, k24 press. July 13, 2013. Nairobi, standard press. Peter, V. (2015). Kenyan National Bureau of Statistics. 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Rati's Challenge Report 2007: Daisy's Eye Cancer Fund; 14 May, Nairobi, Citizen. Riviello E. (2013). Critical care in resource-poor settings:lessons learned and future directions. Crit Care Med. Apr 2011;39 (4):860-867. Newton M. (2016). Impact of parallel anesthesia and surgical provider training in subSaharan Africa: a model for a resource-poor setting. Journal of World J Surg. Mar 2010;34(3):445-452. Hansen E. (2012).Vanderbilt International Surgery Elective Rotation. 2013; Mombasa, Citizen press. Accessed July 1, 2013.
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