Thursday, December 26, 2019
Tale Of A Danish Prince - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 731 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/04/08 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Hamlet Essay William Shakespeare Essay Did you like this example? Hamlet, is a tale of a Danish prince bestowed with the burden of hashing plans to punish his dads homicide once his ghost appears before Hamlet and uncovers that he was dead by his very own blood. To Hamlets disgust, his uncle, Claudius, has purloined Hamlets place as King by marrying the princes mother, Gertrude. In Hamlets look for the reality, he makes the fatal error of stabbing Polonius, the Kings authority. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Tale Of A Danish Prince" essay for you Create order Polonius death causes his female offspring, World Health Organization is Hamlets former lover, to travel insane. Polonius son, Laertes, decides to require revenge upon Hamlet for his father, and Roman Emperor sees a chance to urge eliminate his kinsman. He sets up a fencing match between Hamlet and mythical being, then poisons Hamlets drink and Laertes brand. Hamlet wants verification of his uncles murder of the previous king before he will take revenge upon him, as he includes a worry of the spiritual consequences of murdering a person World Health Organization has done nothing wrong. He looks to be cautious of his fathers ghost and therefore the allegations it makes regarding Claudius regicide. The ghost 1st seems within the play before Horatio, World Health Organization is Hamlets friend, and 2 guards of Elsinore castle. Hamlet is then told by his fathers ghost to penalize his death once he follows the spirit into the forest. In Elizabethan times, once Hamlet was written and performed, folks were terribly irrational. associate Elizabethan audience would have mechanically accepted the existence of the ghost, however Hamlet queries whether or not the apparition may be a satanic trick created to steal his soul, or the important ghost of his father. Hamlet chooses to see regardless of whether Claudius is liable or not by having an associat ion of players re-order the presumed homicide and insightful Claudius response to the play, that is named, The Mousetrap. This makes the prince simpler to identify with as his distress influences him to show up a considerable measure of likely. The possibility of Hamlets vengeance is communicated through some of his monologues, strikingly in his second speech once hes rebuking his very own inaction. Hamlet is hesitant to execute his uncle while not firm verification as he fears the supernatural outcomes of killing Partner in Nursing guiltless man. As the prince might be a Christian, he lives by the possibility that on the off chance that he slaughters a cleared man, he is sent directly to underworld. It requires him an extended investment to ask his requital as he stresses an over the top measure of with respect to the consequences of basically each situation. The second talk is activated by the enthusiastic discourse of the essential player, who plays the character upheld Villages dad in, The Mousetrap. The prince feels that hes a disappointment since the player will depict feeling with no purpose for it, anyway he cant rouse himself to kill Claudius. Hamlet is recounting how mortified and despicable he feels over the possibility that for little more than the maintaining of their standards, twenty thousand men walk towards unavoidable passing without any protestations or fears while he cant force himself to slaughter his dads killer because of a paranoid fear of the otherworldly results. He is flabbergasted that such a large number of individuals are set up to pass on for a real estate parcel that isnt even sufficiently huge to cover them all under. This occasion puts Claudius fratricidal demonstration into point of view for Hamlet, and he chooses all that he does starting now and into the foreseeable future will be centered around avenging his dads demise. Shakespeare expanded my valuation for the content as Hamlets goals to slaughter Claudius persuaded that he is at last going to get equity and prevent experiencing all the psychological disturbance caused by his inertia in the retaliation of his dads homicide. Shakespeare investigates the idea of the accomplishment of requital in the last scene of the play, when Village at long last slaughters Claudius. This happens when Laertes opens Claudius to Village for harming the sword, which both the sovereign and Laertes have been injured by, and the wine, which Gertrude has quite recently tanked. She kicks the bucket without further ado before Laertes admission. Hamlet grabs his chance and cuts his uncle with the cutting edge and powers him to drink the deadly wine finally fulling his destiny.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Keller graduate school marketing plan - 6122 Words
2013-2014 Marketing Plan of Organics on the Go Jason M. Farber Devry University’s Keller Graduate School of Management Executive Summary Organics on The Go is an innovative start-up company that offers high quality, fairly priced, 100 percent all organic products for the on the go individual. These products are crafted to meet the specific needs and wants of a carefully selected target market. The demand for organics at large is strong and growing providing an excellent opportunity for success with a business that relies on a carefully crafted holistic marketing plan. Organics on The Go has developed an intricate holistic marketing plan that incorporates a comprehensive IMC approach to ensure success†¦show more content†¦6) Market Size and Growth: As of 2012 the total revenues of the organic market had grown to 27 billion back in 2012 and continues to grow at an average rate of about 7.4% during the recession, with a growth rate that has continued to increase and exceed analysts’ expectations according to the findings of the USDA. (USDA, pg. 1) However, the exact number of people that comprise the whole foods customer base is still not known with credible certainty, but is believed to be well within the millions in the USA alone. (USDA, pg 6). Market Trends: Rachael L. Dettman in her presentation to the USDA wrote: â€Å"Organic produce: Who’s Eating it? A Demographic Profile of Organic Produce Consumers†research suggested that in the post-recession period, organic produce, which is the largest organic sector, is now growing at 15% and the demand for organic foods at large is sharply increasing. (Dettmann, pg. 1). Matt Townsend in his article: â€Å"Whole Foods Profit jumps on Demand for Organic Foods†cited Merideth Adler, analyst for Barclays Plc that for the organic market: â€Å"sales trends remain strong as it appears that the growth of the natural and organic industry has continued to exceed expectations†(Townsend, pg. 1) SWOT Analysis: The following SWOT analysis encompasses the strengths and weaknesses to which the logistic and strategic components of the marketing plan will be tailored to address from the internal businessShow MoreRelatedWolfgang Keller Case Analysis Essay1428 Words  | 6 PagesWolfgang Keller Case Analysis MBA-6120 Abstract Wolfgang Keller is a 34 year old graduate of the Harvard Business School. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Answering a Challenge free essay sample
Hey, shouldnt you be heading to class? Its onthe other side of the school. I heard theres Before my friendhad a chance to finish her sentence, a big uh-oh sign had alreadyflashed in my head. For fear of getting a detention, I urged my legs to runthrough the always-crowded hallways. Having too much fun chatting with myfriends, I had lost track of time and forgotten how far away my next class was.Huffing and puffing, I reached Biology as the bell signalled the start of theperiod. Whew! Barely made it, I thought as I plopped down in a seat,trying to catch my breath. Sientante andale, andale! Dr.Jang, my teacher, yelled, clapping his hands, speaking in Spanish to catch theclasss attention. When everyone was seated, Dr. Jang cheerfully told us,Instead of going on to chapter 44, I decided to let you guys dissect acows eye today. This announcement was received with mixedreactions. Some were ex-cited but others, including me, thought it was just plainhorrible. I disliked everything about dissecting the rusty scalpel andsurgical scissors, the smell of latex gloves, and most of all, the gore. Havingno choice, I sighed and tried to find a group that would perform the dissectionand allow me to sit and watch. While I busied myself putting on thetight-fitting latex gloves, Dr. Jang walked from table to table with the bucketof doom. To make things worse, the specimens were submerged in formalin, whichreeked with the most terrible smell you can imagine. To avoid reachinginto the bucket, I pretended to fix my gloves, but Dr. Jang caught onto myact. Whoever has gloves gets the privilege of dipping their handsinto the bucket, Dr. Jang said with a mischievous glint in his eyes. No! Thats not fair! I protested, growing veryalarmed. Come on, its not that bad, cajoled my groupmembers, Tina and Lawrence. Knowing full well that they did not wantthe task either, I shut my eyes and reached into the bucket. I felt my heart slaminto my chest and my heartbeat, like a jackhammer, thumped loudly. Slowly, my armdescended into the bucket and I could feel my gloves get soaked. As soon assomething made contact with my gloves, I grabbed it and threw it into thedissecting tray. Relieved that the hideous task was over, I opened my eyesexpecting things to return to normal, but to my horror, a lumpy, murky,cinnamon-roll-shaped object met my eyes. There, right in front of me, wasthe eye of a cow that once lived happily mooing in a grassy meadow. The rubberysurface of the eye itself was dark gray, and covered with thick whitish fat thathad soaked up formalin from the bucket. The foul smell, similar to a sweaty sock,caused a nauseating sensation to travel from my stomach to my already constrictedthroat. As I poked the eye, droplets of formalin gushed out. The glassy lensmanaged to stare into my eyes and successfully evoke a feeling of guilt. I waspositive that hideous thing would be the subject of many nightmares to come. Not to mention any names, but if a certain person whose first namestarts with the letter Cdissects today, then her group will get extracredit, Dr. Jang announced. Without a doubt, I knew he was talkingabout me. I did not like being put on the spot and having to choose betweenabiding by my personal preferences and doing what was good for the group.Surprisingly, though, it did not take me long to decide. Okay, heregoes. Wish me luck, guys, I told Lawrence and Tina, bracingmyself. I took a deep breath and picked up the scalpel and the specimen.Even with gloves, I could still feel the thick flesh resting on the palm of myhand. The smell of the formalin and the latex gloves was enough to make mystomach churn as I started making a circular incision. You can doit! Its just like opening a can with a can opener, offered Lawrence withan unbelievably candid tone. Encouraged, I took the surgical scissorsand snipped the eye open, but what I saw did not match the image I hadexpected. Lips curved into an appreciative smile, Tina quickly exclaimed,Oooh! Thats so pretty! Inside the eye were many fascinatingthings. There was the vitreous humor, a colorless jelly that jumps and jiggles,and across from that, the colorful iris. It was perhaps the most beautiful animalpart I have ever seen. The iris was like a rose, with royal purple and a hint ofaqua splashed all over as its petal color. When I started peeling the iris, thepurple liquid trickled down the iris, creating an artistic design. With all theparts removed, Dr. Jang came over to rate my cut. Nice. Verynice, he said in an admiring murmur as he picked up other parts toexamine. This deserves a ten out of ten, Dr. Jang. Look at this,its the work of a surgeon, Lawrence joked. Nervous, I kept silentand awaited the verdict. After a few seconds, Dr. Jang said with aflourish, Mmm eleven out of ten! Good job! Burstingwith delight, I leaped out of my chair, causing it to fall back with a loudclang. Oops I meekly apologized, my cheeks turningtomato red as the class looked at me. More than satisfied with ourgrade, I sighed happily and started to clean up. While putting away thedissecting tray, I thought, Hey, second period wasnt as bad as I thoughtit would be. As I walked out of Room 44, I held my head high andfelt proud. In less than an hour, I was able to put aside my fears and face achallenge. Most important, I learned that to get to know myself, I must be openand brave enough to try new experiences.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Tartuffe by Jean-Baptiste Poquelin Moliere Essay Example
Tartuffe by Jean-Baptiste Poquelin Moliere Paper Tartuffe, a play by Jean-Baptiste Poquelin Moliere, is a poignant story about a man, Orgon, who is totally and completely taken in and blinded by a scoundrel named Tartuffe. Orgon has utter faith and shows unconditional love for this poor pious man, Tartuffe. Orgon is willing to sacrifice everything his wife, his family, his daughters happiness and even his large estate. Orgon believes that under Tratuffes tutelage my souls been freed from earthly loves, and every human tie:/ My mother, children, brother and wife could die, /And Id not feel a single moments pain (I, v, 18-20). This story of deceit leads the reader to believe that all will be lost and that evil will triumph over good. The events that occur in the play and the emotions that the characters experience parallel the events in our everyday lives. Such events include the power struggle between Orgon (the parent) and his children, about secret agreements, about reverse psychology and about relationships in general. Orgon has agreed to give his daughter Mariane to Valere in marriage but is now having second thoughts. He has decided that Mariane should wed Tartuffe. He believes that Tartuffe is the most suitable husband and tries to convince her. Youre a sweet girl Whom I hold dear, and think most highly of (II, i, 7). You can repay me, if youll cheerfully obey me (II, i, 9-10). Although everyone in the family is against this union he says I shall defy you all, and make it clear/ That Im the one who gives the orders here (III, vi, 57-58). Its a fathers privilege (II, i, 30). But beyond his threats he supports his feelings when he tells Mariane Daughter, well disregard this dunderhead. Just trust your fathers judgment. We will write a custom essay sample on Tartuffe by Jean-Baptiste Poquelin Moliere specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Tartuffe by Jean-Baptiste Poquelin Moliere specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Tartuffe by Jean-Baptiste Poquelin Moliere specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Oh, Im aware/ That I once promised you to young Valere; /But now I hear he gambles, which greatly shocks me; /Whats more, Ive doubts about his orthodoxy. /His visits to church, I note, are very few (II, ii, 65-70). Mariane is distraught and turns to Dorine, her ladys maid and friend. Dorine encourages Mariane to tell her father that one cannot love at a fathers whim; /That you shall marry for yourself, not him: /That since its you who are to be the bride, / Its you, not he, who must be satisfied; (II, iii, 8-11). But Mariane is afraid to go against her fathers wishes and answers Dorine, Ive bowed so long to Fathers strict control, I couldnt oppose him now, to save my soul (II, iii, 13-14). When I read this part of the play it was like I was reading a page from my own life. Like Mariane, I have a great deal of respect and love for my mother and stepdad who have always guided me down a safe and stable path. But we disagree strongly about the boy I am dating. Tom is a kind and thoughtful person. He is a good friend and can be trusted with confidences. He and I enjoy many of the same things but each of us is willing to learn about the others interests and hobbies. My mom and stepdad see things differently. They pointed out that Tom and I are of different religions and from very different backgrounds. My best friend Melissa, like Dorine, can see my side of the story and agrees that I should follow my heart. But I guess ultimately I am the one who will have to live with the consequences of my actions. Am I ready to do that? Tartuffe has completely seduced Orgon into believing that he is the most religious and devout human being in existence and believes that his charm will work on all members of Orgons family. Tartuffe makes a pass at Elmire, Orgons wife, it floods my heart with bliss/ To find myself alone with you like this. / For just this chance Ive prayed with all my power/ theres nothing I had rather do Than bare my inmost heart and soul to you (III, iii, 21-23, 27-28). Having professed his feelings he takes hold of her hands and presses her fingertips. When rebuked, he places his hand on her knee. Damis, Orgons son, tells his father of Tartuffes overtures. Father Let us advise you / that I surprised him with your wife, and heard His whole adulterous offer (III, vi, 1, 7-8). As the scene was unfolding I could feel the lecherous actions of this ungodly man. When I was at Nassau Community College last fall and then again in the spring I was stalked by a young man in my English class. Nothing has ever made me feel more uncomfortable or scared in my entire life. This guy would be standing near my car and would just stare at me. He would stand by my classroom and would just stare at me. He even once had the nerve to follow me into the Ladies Room. I told my English Professor and the campus security police. They said they would keep an eye out but could do nothing unless he actually physically attacked me or spoke to me directly. That was not very comforting because it seemed that they did not quite believe me. This sexual harassment was seduction at its worst. Tartuffe plays the scoundrel well. When given gifts by Orgon he insists he should Give him less I dont deserve it. The half, Sir, would suffice (I, v, 38). But Orgon does not see through these false words. Even when his son tells him of Tartuffes inappropriate behavior with his wife Orgon believes what he wants to. Tartuffe tells him Believe his story: the boy deserves your trust/ dont be deceived by hollow shows: /Im far, from being what men suppose (III, vi, 19, 24, 26). But Orgon insists that Tartuffe, is the honest and fair person he believes him to be and even gives him Clear deed and title to everything I own (III, vii, 38). This reverse psychology worked on Orgon and I hoped would work on my mom. One day when I was shopping with my mother, I badly wanted a pair of shoes that I saw in a fashion magazine and were expensive. I knew that my mom would not pay for them and would suggest that I get another pair of shoes that was more reasonably priced. When we got to the store she did exactly as I thought. She said no to the pair that I wanted because she really disliked them and picked out a different pair that she thought I might like. I said fine, whatever, and put a pout on my face because I was not getting the pair that I wanted. They really were not that bad and fit better than the expensive ones but they were not the trendy new expensive ones that I had my heart set on. But she was the one using reverse psychology. She told me that I could have the more expensive ones if I really wanted them. When she relented, I felt a little guilty. I put things into perspective and smiled. I agreed to the ones she picked out because they were more comfortable and I knew that after all the other things she had gotten me for school this would add another financial burden. However, after we paid for the pair of sneakers that was less money, she surprised me by offering to buy me a special pair of designer sandals that I desperately wanted, something she was planning all along. When Orgon finally accepts the truth about Tartuffe he must also accept the consequences of his actions. He is about to lose his estate and go to jail for keeping treasonous papers. He has decided that no one can be trusted. Cleante, Orgons brother-in-law, begs him not to jump between absurd extremes and to earn to distinguish virtue from pretense, / Be cautious in bestowing admiration, / And cultivate a sober moderation to err, if err one must,/ As you have done, upon the side of trust (V, ii, 37, 50-52, 56-57). My mom was a single parent for more than ten years and raised three children. Every decision rested on her shoulders. There were many times when she proved to be the stabilizing force in our lives by making difficult decisions about school, dating, driving and the like. We knew we could unconditionally count on her for love and guidance. She did, however, instill in all three of us the ability to make decisions. When I first started college I enrolled at SUNY Oswego. During the summer break I was very unhappy and torn about returning to school. There were not many Long Island kids at Oswego and fewer Jewish ones. I am the kind of student who needs to meet with my professors to help me get on track and some would not offer alternate office hours that would not conflict with my classes. Even so, I was more worried if my mom would be disappointed in me? Would I make new friends? Would my friends that that I had to come home? Would I be embarrassed about failing? I expected her to order me home because my grades were not as good as I had achieved in the past. On the other hand, I thought she might order me to stay since she had spent so much time, effort, and money getting me ready for out-of-town school. Instead, she ordered me to weigh the pros and cons and make a decision on my own. I insisted that she tell me what to do, but she held fast and offered no answer. She told me that the decision had to be mine. But having been raised in a household with her at the helm I had the ability to make a difficult grown-up decision. I decided to come hoe. She supported my decision and that decision turned out to be exactly right for me. I know I found my niche here at C. W. Post. Secrets can sometimes be troublesome and sometimes they are just meant to be shared between two people. When Tartuffe makes his sexual overture to Elmire, she asks him Arent you afraid that I may take a notion/ To tell my husband of your warm devotion. / But I shall be discreet about your lapse;/ Ill tell my husband nothing of whats occurred/If, in return, youll give your solemn word/ To advocate as forcefully as you can/ the marriage of Valere and Mariane (III, iii, 125-126, 136-140). When I came home from camp my mom and I entered into a secret agreement. My parents decided that I should help pay for half of the repairs on my car. It needed new tires, an inspection, and a new alarm. My mom knew how hard I worked all summer and that these repairs would take a big chunk out of my salary. We agreed that I would write out a check for the amount that was due and that she would reimburse me. She knew that if I paid for the repairs that I would not be able to take care of my personal needs and school expenses and that either way she would have to subsidize me. Orgon and his mother, Madame Pernelle, are each subjected to family pressure. Both believe in Tartuffe and will not listen to reason. As shown all along, Orgon does not want to hear any negatives about Tartuffe until his wife absolutely convinces him. But even Orgon cannot change his mothers mind. Madame Pernelle defends Tartuffe. She will not be swayed and insists that Till his guilt is clear, / A man deserves the benefit of the doubt. / You should have waited, to see how things turned out (V, iii, 45-47). Peer pressure is difficult to overcome. My first real experience with peer pressure was when I was away at school. My roommate was into marijuana and tried to convince me that a joint would enhance my outlook and I would begin to relax. My other friends tried to convince me that the bar scene was cool and that drinking would make me less up tight. But I know for me that drugs and alcohol are not for me. I am pleased to say that I did not give into peer pressure and Yes, I am the designated driver. As one can see, the events that the characters encounter in Molieres play Tartuffe are as timely today as when they were written. We can all identify and empathize in one way or another with his characters and the situations they find themselves in. Even though Orgon seems like a weak, uncaring father and husband, he ultimately shows his true love for his family and apologizes for his poor judgment. The play is a wonderful example of family life.
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